After the Proving quest, you will end up here at the beginning of the main quest, The Womb of the Mountain. The second Power Cell is in All-Mother Mountain. Simply smash these with your spear and you will find the Power Cell on a table at the back of the room. Beyond that there will be another doorway which is blocked by stalactites. Eventually you will come to a locked door that must be pried open with your spear. Return to the ruins near Mother's Watch and make your way through them. This location can be revisited at any time during the game. One Power Cell is found in the underground facility that Aloy fell into as a child. The first Power Cell can be obtained during The Womb of the Mountain.

Four of the Power Cells can easily be obtained during the main quest, but the fifth requires Aloy to revisit the ruins she fell into and found her Focus in as a child.